


研究論文の要旨です。研究の内容を端的に伝え、論文の本体を読む前に何が書かれているのかがわかる重要な場所です。NatureやCellなどの科学論文では通常150-200 words程度で1パラグラフにまとめるようにとされています。





Perceived Environmental Factors Associated with Physical Activity among Normal-Weight and Overweight Japanese Men


Abstract: Although it is crucial to examine the environmental correlates of physical activity (PA) for developing more effective interventions for overweight populations, limited studies have investigated differences in the environmental correlates on body mass index (BMI). The purpose of the present study was to examine the perceived environmental correlates of PA among normal-weight and overweight Japanese men. Data were analyzed for 1,420 men (aged 44.4 ± 8.3 years), who responded to an internet-based cross-sectional survey of answering the short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire and its Environment Module. Binary logistic regression analyses were utilized to examine the environmental factors associated with meeting the PA recommendation (150 minutes/week) between the normal-weight and overweight men. After adjusting for socio-demographic variables, common and different environmental correlates of PA were observed among normal-weight and overweight men. Furthermore, significant interactions regarding PA were observed between BMI status and two environmental correlates: access to public transportation (P = 0.03) and crime safety during the day (P = 0.01). The results indicated that BMI status is a potential moderator between perceived environmental factors and PA and suggested that different environmental intervention approaches should be developed for overweight populations.

Keywords: BMI; overweight; moderator; perceived environment; walking; moderate-to-vigorous physical activity; physical activity recommendation; Japan


(Move 1: 背景と目的) Although it is crucial to examine the environmental correlates of physical activity (PA) for developing more effective interventions for overweight populations, limited studies have investigated differences in the environmental correlates on body mass index (BMI). The purpose of the present study was to examine the perceived environmental correlates of PA among normal-weight and overweight Japanese men. (Move 2:方法と手順) Data were analyzed for 1,420 men (aged 44.4 ± 8.3 years), who responded to an internet-based cross-sectional survey of answering the short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire and its Environment Module. Binary logistic regression analyses were utilized to examine the environmental factors associated with meeting the PA recommendation (150 minutes/week) between the normal-weight and overweight men. (Move 3:結果) After adjusting for socio-demographic variables, common and different environmental correlates of PA were observed among normal-weight and overweight men. Furthermore, significant interactions regarding PA were observed between BMI status and two environmental correlates: access to public transportation (P = 0.03) and crime safety during the day (P = 0.01).

(Move 4:結果の考察、結論) The results indicated that BMI status is a potential moderator between perceived environmental factors and PA and suggested that different environmental intervention approaches should be developed for overweight populations.

色分けの手がかりになるのは、各内容をひっぱるヒント表現(hint expressions)です。それぞれのMoveの決め手となるヒント表現は赤色で記した表現です。例えば、Move1に相当する背景として、”運動と体重(BMI)の関係を調べることが重要であるが(Although it is crucial to examine..)、日本人の肥満男性とそうでない男性とを比較分析した研究は少ない(limited studies have investigated)”とこれまでの研究で明らかにされてこなかったことを述べています。また、目的が述べられていますが、The purpose of the present study was to..から始まる一文であることが明らかです。つまりヒント表現が分かれば、論文の流れが分かる!んです。


read an abstract.pptx



まず、ベーシックなアブスト(Nature, Science, Cellのabstract)を書いてみましょう。最低限必要な要素は「1 背景・定義」→「2 これまで明らかにされてこなかったこと」→「3 本研究の結果の先出し・目的」→「4 本研究の結果・発見」→「5 結論・本研究の重要性」です。この5ステップで書けます!まず日本語で書いたアブストをこの5つの要素に分けて、「あぶすと!」のMove1, Step1から日本語に近いヒント表現を選びましょう。

write an abstract.pptx